OUR Mission
Bruin Caregiving Scholars (BCS) champions the diverse community of UCLA students who navigate academic commitments alongside caregiving roles for minors, dependent adults, the elderly, and especially those caring for individuals with mental or physical disabilities, including neurodivergent children. Emphasizing inclusivity, BCS extends a warm welcome to all who identify as caregivers, including parenting students, and anyone who wishes to learn more about this community.
We aim to provide community, tailored resources, programming, and advocacy to cultivate a nurturing and empowering environment and advocate for meaningful changes across the UCLA and broader UC system.
Are you a caregiver?
A caregiver is someone who provides physical, emotional, or financial support to someone else, often a family member, who cannot fully care for themselves.
This could include helping with daily tasks, managing medical care, or offering companionship.
Caregivers may take care of children, elderly parents, or people with disabilities or chronic illnesses.